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Anti-amendment Meeting

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The businesa men ot Aan Arbor liave followed the exiuuple of tlieir Detroit brethren and extended au invitation to the Kev. W. H. Rydef and Prof. C. A. Kent to address a meeting to be held at the opera house, next Thursday evening. The l8t which we publish below is that of representative business flrms of this city, none of whom are connected with the liquor trafile in any minner. They are in favor of temperance and sobriety just a8 much as our prohibition frieuds, but differ wilh tliem In the marnier in which the most good is to be gaincd to all parties, in haudlintf the subject. Followinjr is the Invitation and list of signers which M:iyor Robison lias secured : Kkv. W. H. Kydeu. Ann Arbor, and Prok. C. A. Kent, Detroit. Oenllemen : We tlie undersgned cltlzens of Ann Arbor, unlte In cordlally lnvltlug you to nddrexH a public meeting to ba. held at the opera house on the evening of Thurwlay, Maren 31st lnat., upon the advantacs of h üystem of taxallou of the licuor trame over prohibition. John J. Robison, Dean & Co., A. J. Sawyer, M. Scabolt, Junius E. Beal, Casper Klusey, Edward Duffy, 1. I Goodyear. Beakes & Morton, Dhtz & Lansdorf, I. K. Lawrence, J. T. Jacobs, C. H. Richmond, DewittC. Kall, Christian Mack, J. K. Schuh, Henry J. Manu, Andrew Muehhg, Martin Haller, Mann Bros., John Koch, John Burg;, Samuel Krause, Chas. S. Spoor, WlUiam Arnnhl, Win. A. Hatch, A. K. Hanusterfer, Ëmanuel Mann, K. B. Able, F. G. Schleicher, Wm. W. Dovelas, Oscar O. Sore. Ottmar Kbcrbach, John Georg e Koch . L. Gruner S & J. Baumartner, Íohn W. Hunt, Jacob Kaubcnifayer, . S. Henderson, C. Walker & Bro., t. I. Johnson, Krnest Eberbach, E. E. Beal, G W. Cropsey, Albert Sorg, A. V. Robison, Silas H. Douglas, S. Wood. II. J Brovvn, C. J. Reul, W. F. Brcakey, C. Georg, Chas. E. Hiseock, John Hcinzmann, Gcorgt W:ihr, William Herz, Kvart II. Scott, John Lucas, W. K. Henderson, John Muehlig, . E. Sumner, Michael Staeller, Nclson Suthcrland, J. M. Stafford, M. S. Pulcipher, Goodspeed & Sons, L. I. Llescmcr, A. A. Terry, A. W. Ames, E. B. Pond, Herman Hutzel, Win. McCrcery. Full airangt-nients have been : made for tlu; meetins;. Col. Henry 8. Dean bal been Invitad MkI rtll preside at the mwttuf. A letter bas been received trom Bev. Dr. Hyder slatlnj; Unit while he is not in favor of the ainendment, that he i not really in favor of the taxation of the liquor trafile, still he thiuks the present system preterable to a constitutionul amendment ut the present timi'. Prof. Kent, bas written to the mayor, tetlos he will accept the i ion sent li i in and will be present to nddress the meeting. Other ¦peakwi will be present and m;ike short speeches on the points at Hsiic.