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Siiri iií'.s Salo. BY V1KTCEOK AN KXB t'HOS i-! oul of a4 m loftlte Uircull Courl i"r Mío Couoty of ... ;, :,; uf Michigan, beuring lit-ilie 4tii ,i v , c j,.,, 18HO, aud ti me dlrvotcd ;! d d_4vwv4, g:l :?t tliíl gooda and chattcla, a:id for wnl vh.rr.f . mienta "' Uuutnrun T. lnn:i dvfewlaiit , luid on the !9th 'lay Jtily. 188 upun a ni vlzeall tlic riptht. liMe aud totoral of theiMUl Uustsrua 1 . Mann in auil U I! followlug r'.eoribi-d Una i:. ■', Wt : . ]..:: t oí uvelion mimber -Y, towntiliip ninniicr 2 numboi n" etat; oommunclnfi; ' ti1 wntr ul Ihc r i:itl ícmdlng from Aun Arl; o JaekMm, at .t point-0 cli.-un,; .. i.tfii.v from Lhr hUMvaction ,.l aail tho wos) lino oí' .-iil iácttoB. '-l.cncí nortu !;■! 'i' i '■' afluid aootioa h'ie G cíiainn n;ul 43 Unkrf tu tbQ díich t "i' ':l' ■r'ik tln-iicp nnst ftlung iii-l litcli 3 chaina aud 4 linka to tí 1 fnou Hana'a a t lino. thonco - tu place ofbeglnnlng. Alai 1 t. in:iüi. r 1 1. 1.; and 12, and ;il of iliai part "i lot nurober 11. thal he south of ft line. drawn from and 4: links outh oftbo korth Mateara of lot number 14, ■ ii. n pl; of xrt of norlli cast quartor of mberí, townlilp numboj -J outh of langu ■nlod In líber F, pujo 23", Alo nuinbcronu ,- ::,,„■.■ additloa. AIm tl Mlowiag, balng tho wfstrrlv ir, ilii! tho west Imlf of ti' oorth aat quarter of sf.tinn DuinberSO, townl"P nnmber 2,outh of ng icularlT dMCrlbcd a loUowa ngintlu territorial road li-iiillag from Ann Arbor t-, Jackaonatapoint uere tliurni and t balfesofattid quarter aectioo atrikea the contar of saul road, rnnning tbencewuth on tli" tina betwecn the ot . r the nortta-eut quartw "f rtimí 71 ,,., and 11 linkí, tlleiicovet II rortü aud 7 link tlieuct nertü to the ci-ulre of sid roail, thaiM casterly U nula and 8 linkh to the l.lacc 'f beginniníí ContafnUlg 5 aerea of land in the townslíip of Ann Aim r and Id tho ountj of Wa.-.litennw and State of tflchlgvi, all cf which iircmiíC-8 I shall aspoM for alo t publio auction, tLe law direct, at the front lo,.r "f Uio U.urt House, ín Ui., (il v ofAno Arbor, that bemg tho plac for holding the Oourt for the Countj of ashtonaw, on Monda; the 22d dajr oí October next , at clevw o'ciock In tho foicuoon of Raid lay. TlIOá. F.I.EOSAR,.8horlBV Pateil, Ang. 29, 18C0. SheriflPa öale. BV VTKTOE OF AH KXECfTlOX isxued out of and undcr the seal of the Circuit Court for the Cmintj of .Waahtenaw, and Stato of Michigan, bearing dU the loth day of July 1860, and to ras directod an.1 litmed, agafaat the gooda mid cliattola, ixl for nurt th.-rcnf landa and tenemeuta of Ira licckley, defeudant tberelo nsmed, I di.l onth lOth day ofjuly, 18B0, I.tT uroor and fct-ize all tho right. title aud interest of tho said Ira Becklev in and to the following doscribed laad and promlüOS.towit: Nurlli half of the noith-weit quartor of section iiumber 16 in townnhlp nuuiber2 south of ranger 0 cast cODtainlng SO acroa in tho county ef VV ashteuav and i=latu nf Mkhican, of which premist-s I hall Mpose for ale at. public auction ,as the law direct, at tho frontdoor of the Coart Houaè, In the City of Ann Arlwr, that being tho place for holding the Circuit Court for the ConntJ of Wanhtcnaw, on Monday the 22d day of Octobec nfxt, at eleven o'clock in tho forenoon of said day. TIIOS. F. LEONARD.Sheriit Dated, Angnat 29, 1860. Sheriff' Salo. T)T Vir.TL'K OF AN' F.XECUTION iaaned out of and anJJ der the w-al of tho Circuit Court for tho County of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, bearing dato tho lth day of Aujíust 186C, and to mo directed and dolivered, a-ainst the gooda and chattcU, and for want theteof lan&l il iini nipnu nf William V. Whit, defonnt therein named, 1 did on the 15th day of August, 1860, levy uiion and scizo all the right, title and iuiereat of tha tho ■'■■liil illiaiu T. Wlutoin aud to thu following decribed land and premioes, ty wit: ïho aouth weat quarter of the soulh-ast quarter of seotion thirty one In Township fmir south of range seven east, being in the Towdühip of Augusta, in the county of Washtenaw and aUita of Michigan, all of which premisea I shall oxposo for sale at public auction, as the laws directa, at th front door of the Court Houfli' , in the City of Ann Arbor,. that bing the place for holding the Circuit Court for tho County ol Washtonaw, on Uonday, tho 22dday ofOcfcober next, at olevon o'clock In the forenoon of said day. THftS. F. LEONAIU), ShoriiT. Dated, August 29, 18S0. SherifTs Sale. BY VIÜTL'EOF AN EXtvCUnON' insu out of and onder tho seal of the Circuit Court for the Connty of Waahtenaw, and State of Michigan, bearing date the 7th day of July, 1860, and to me diic-cted and dolirered, against the goods and chattels, and for want thorvof lands and tenemeiits of Francis Vay deftfndant thorein nainod. I dlaon the ïth day of July, 1S60, Wvy upon and seizeall Uu: rkht, title and interest of the said Franci Way in and to the followlng describen land and prftmiBM, to wit: Houao and one acre of land bounded east, woot and south by A. Traver's land, north by landn owned. by Seth C. Darwin and boinji noar Traver's Paw Mili and formerly owned by lead Thomas in township two south of ranptj tix eajit in the county of Waahtenaw and State of Michigan, all of wrblcb pf-míses I rü11 rspose for aal at public auction, as the law direct, at the front door of the Court jlouic, in the City of Ann Arbor, that being the Íilace for holding the Circuit Court for the County of Vasli tcnaw, on Mouda.v the 221 day of October noxt, at eleven o'clock in the iorenoon of said day. TUOS.F. LEOXARD, Shotiï. Dated, August 39, 1800. NOTICE. NOTICE IS IIEBEBY givon that the aubacribera wil rnake application to tho Circuit Court for the CoHaty of Waahtenaw, to be held at the Court House In tae City of Ann Arbor in eaid Couuty on tho 4th Tueaday of October next, at the opening of said Court, or as soon thcroafler ai a hearing can be had, to Tácate eertain streets and allcys in Cross and ihutts' Addition to th Village of Vpsilanti, Coauty of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, to wit : All the four rod trtt lylng between andcontiguoas to lots nve aiul nis. and lot eighteen, and the nortborly half of the remainder of aaid streel . The Aller between lots twenty-two and twenty-three, all of Shutta 5treet and somnch of the public road on the southerly end of ifaid Addition as lies contiguoua to lot twenty e;ght; Also, o much of tho alley au liea contiguous to lots three ná four and lot il re in said addition. JAPON' CROSS, MARTINI'S U SnUTTS. 3i!i. li. Cooi, Attom. TMwl Ypailanti, July 25, 1863 Mortgage Foreclosure. DEF.VI'I.T HAVING HEEN' MAÜF, I.V the conditio of Horttnige Oxecuted by John Weinmon to Wil iaiu s. Maynard, the 2Jth day of Julv. A. I). 185, ani rcco.ded in the Register'i Office in the County of W'ash tcnaw in Liber No. 2+ of Jfortgagos, at pngo 661, on th S5lh day of July, A. D. 1858. at llfteen minutes past five o'clock, 1'. M.,by wbichdefault the power of sale contained in said mortgage became operatíve, and no uit or proceeding having been lngtltirted at law to recovor tli? chbt sooured liy said mortgage.or any part theroof and the snm of two himdrcd and forty dollars anti seventyone cents, bclng nowclaimed to be duo theroon Notice ia thercfore hereby given that the said mortgago will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premiso to wit: "Ixits niimbereieven, twelve, thirtecn and fourteen, in Block six south, range two 0-iWt , according to a Plat of 'William S. Maynard's kecond addition in An Arbor," in eaid countr, or soroe part theroof at pub. lic vendiif, at the Court Ifouse in the city of Ann Arbor on thethirU day of Xovcmber next, at nooa E. TV. Monoax, Att'y. Dated, August 8, A. D.' 1860. TMtt ilortgage Foreclosuro. Txr.F.U-LT HAVmu HEEN MADE in the condition of a JU mortgago ected by s.m„..l w. ,,,„tCe ZTot'ï ion -.-ais Sizzs:arFiL& cor„elJuneeiRhteenth A. r-.' 1860 at one o'ctock " M., in Said Líber 7, kat page 4, by which default thé power of salo contained in nld Moitt.age oewm. "porative, and m ittfl or proceoatng h.iving been SSItuted! law to recover the öebt secured by „aul mor gag. or any part ihereof, and the sum of thlrty-four hundied ad fiftysix dollars being now elaimod t„ bo duo thereor, - land deeded to HoMa Wallace, Ja tary fourtLnï ï A 1839, and on. half acre of íanu'Xre JhcÍTS'Mt: cialírave,,an also i the right of flowing land wh'eh bad then been deeded to Orson Quackenbísh nd BufÚi Crossman, by .los,.ph W.SoymourandSamuel W Korte? f "a Iwtt B I"' "f & South. W3 quVrterof thi Su,t„-W,sl q„a, Ut of ' „tion thre., „ ?h TownAiJ atnresaui, contaraing about uvuteen acres, ivinK Kast from and adjaconl to land then otr,ed b7 Tl oma" Hoïk yns. AUo lot oue Block mx n tbat part of the VUlage of bcio, uurrrycd by S W Foster n AnrilA 11 1885, and rccorjled n the KegMeV. cfflc.' ir "„Ij coLty " mb:r"nt,CÍttyn:roIínn Arb'r' " thM "! L 6. W. Mono.., t,. KHaOÍÍ H' A""nM];Lteil, August 7, A. d. 1S60. gTATK OF MICHIGAN, Fourth Judicial Circuit r. íííiNRVÍ? f;IBBLR 1 Suifpending in th. Oren-t ülUUIiDW.tLAllK. ICourtfor the Coimty ot ADiISON SCKFORÜ, SaM&SSTSÏ 8CORGE E. I'ARMEIJEF, I It appearing by affldavit to th. atifaction of th. Court, tha l tbedofondant in thi case doM not in K?i;„ÏT'; 'J' oftho Slat of California. On motion of T. M. tor,!ey, olleitop tor complainant it is ordered that the said dofendant eau his -ppearan-e to be put ■.,! ,u mi„ causo, and notie1 ther'e,f to b, served ou co.nplanianis solicltor withiu three month trom of this order ,and that in cas of hi! a,pranee he causo hls uwrei to oomplainani biil to he liled and a cerv thcreof to bo served on coraplainatn1 olicitor wnhm twonty days c,f the nervio „f a copy of said Wil, nml in Sefault tbeteofsaid bil! may be taken as cunfewcd by him. And t in further ordered that within tweutr 4ay compjaloanta causo a copy of this order lo bo pub. Jg m tlie Michigan Argus, a public n.wnpapcr puhisüMi at Anu Arbov, in sai.lcuunty, and that sucb inhlication bo coulinued in said paper at least once in each week, rorelght successive weok. or that theycau. thi order to be personalia servcd on said defenrtant, at least nrat.vilayubcforeihe time abovo prescribed for hitara pearance. C. ft. A.CJ;K, Circuit CourlCura. for Washteuaw Co. Mich Conway Flre Insurance Co7, Of Conway, Mass. Capital paid up, - $150.000 OOi Assets (Cash), - . 269,963 13 Liiibilities. - - - 16,410 03. D. C. Rogcrs, Jas. S Whitney, Secretary. Praident. DIRECTORS. S.WillTNKV, 1,. 71ODMAN, W EI.L1OTT ASAHOW l.ANT), D C. MrGII.VRAJ', E. Il MO1ÍOAN VA1T BKMENT, JOSIAH ALLIS. A. IIIBU'-LEN V.U. D1OKINSON, W.T. CLAI'P, D. C.ROGlilt'á. Au Arbor Refereiiccs: )i. F.. WELLS, h. JAMES. L. DODGE, ENOCHJAMES. CAl'T. O. S. GOODRICH, . L W. KNIGI1T, Apnt Ann Albor, Michigan. rarch 19 SIL VER"PLATING . THESUBSCRIBERis now prpud fcdo all kimln of Sttvtrgt r'afíJíi-itlier oa Cojper, Brap, or (.■ orinan ilvrr, ;i]so to ímplate OONS,FORKS.TRAYS,CASTEBS,BüTrERKMVES&o n the tho fthortwt ontiee, Price roasouaMe. Ordir n_v lif U'l'l, oither at thv resuJcoce of the Subscribir, (One door north of tho OW Acadcmy,) or at Woed ruff &i SnpiTv'e BciTomctcr Tactorr. WH, M. PÁV18. Ann Arber, June 14ih 186ft T93&3