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I - o 1). L. WOOD, $ CO. Ai' nuw raceiving ud pfcniug A Large and Boautifui ü.sson.'rai.ïïNT - or- S-ta p-l-o au d F-a-nc y DRY GOODS! CROCKEUY, LADIES' AND CnTLDRETS SIIOES, fra ê'c fo. AT THE OLD STAND OF D. L. AVCOD. joods hm been bought iinet thé recent declive in price in the Eastem Markets and tvill bc so!d correapoudingty CUE AP. ■Verould ríspcelfully invito the citisensof Ann ArburaiiJ tt surrouading couuty to CALL AND EXAMINE OU 11 GOODS ! As it is no trouble to sliow thcm.aiul we hope BY FAIR ASI) lïOXORABLlC DEALING To merit n liberni slmre of h ir pntronage. D. L. WOOD. Wji. O. KOSTER. Went UU of l'ubiic Square Ann Arbor,.April 20. lbCO. "43tf Q U l TER MAN HEAD-QUARTEBS! THE MOST COMPLETE GLOTHING IP0R1UI In Michigan ! CONTATXS THE & í Oir agü laist STOCK OF GAK, MENT S EVER OFFF.KED FOH SALE IN TUIS M A R K E Tl OUR SPRIKlá & SUMMER eSr . jO 'i sö TFe feö? ewrijtldiuj which fhefaahion and titms (Iemand, and can sell Ihcm cheay&r than any oiJicr Edablishvientin the State. WE EA.VK JIOKE THAN 1OOO Xiiïieaa Ooa,t3 01 ■ EVKRY VAFIFTV OFFArlIION, SuchMSack,Ha!f?acksnd Frock tVM, fcc, manom :■-.■■ . fi om Iwt quali.icí of LmejCaasimeicsand Mtirtetllc; Aiso a large aseortmen: of DRESS AND FROCK COATS, Of qua'.itv, of BroK-c.Blno and FaDcj Colero. V.'e have the LA TE S T S TYL E S -OFTrom t'.ie fniest pattevns, jilain and fancy, in the wU wide world. The most fastidious caá bu 611 tiiiüed By our largs and ncvlytulccted suiciof COLLARS AND SHIRTS, Of all kiuda. Cravais. FhhtBosoms.HanílíCrcl'.icf, Susps-jders, Lmbrolla,Cari)Ct Bagn, Trunka.&c. The rich st Glovcs.from the ünest Mik to tbo eofttut Mouutain Kict , already to fit;thehand ofevcry customer. You can r.thinff in ouv5taïilifhment vrhich the world ofto tlie tratliníí community in es jt-i rmr :ac ït jskt 3-AND- CLOTH FOR CUSTOM WORK.' VT ha-re also tho flniat French andEelgianBroad Cloth, Fancy Cnï'imerM, Fancy Silk and Mancilles Vístiogí, &C. j83f We ould also cali tho atlention of the Studcnts, especiallvtbegidiiatingclas,if ny of them want a GOODFITT1N6 SLlT,let them como to PONDHEIM, in order to get a good fit. ThanUful for paat patronage to our oldcustomers, we invito as many new ones lo come and give us a cali. Don't fail to nee Guitcrmau's HeadfiiartorR, heforego ing elsewhere. M. GUITERMAX k CO. AnnArbor, April 11,1860. "43tf FB.ESH ABRÏVaï. -OF- ISTEW GOODS. -AT- STEONG'S New Cheap Gash Store. -1RKAT BAROA1NS ARE OFFERFP- a la:ge line of Silk Parasols from 4s to $3,00. The best of Watch Spring Stesl Skirtn, Five Cents a H- 0- 0- P- . Tip Top 3C iacli Umbrellas, only 12s other sizesin proportion. Alargestock of Friui very low LACE AND STELLA SHAWLS, LAGE AND CLOTH MANTLES. STRIPED ANDPLAIN SIIEETINGS, YANKEE NOTIONS, EMBROIDERIES, Hats & Caps, Groceries Croekery SEO., ícc. AUo a l;irjfe Stock of Iridies' íhocs, Atlyñoea 10 per cent less han usual jQET No trouble to show Gock1 . Cnll anJ examine, at Strong'B CHEAP CASII STORE. EXCHANGE BLOCK, ANN ARB0R, j WJÏORGAN, Agent lor ïlutunl Life TnsnranccCompany, New YoWt. Accumulated Anetej .... $5,330,000. the téadlng Ijfe Ihsa ranee ComfHiny En tlie I". P. Knickerbockcr Life Iiifturauce Company, Nes' York, - B ñrtt clnss snfe Co. - term rcasotmbíc. Humbolth fr'íe InsOPMM Cumpany, Nw York, Capital, with alartresurplii, - " - $200,000. Peoría Marine 3c Fire lnsurancf Co., Fcoriji 111. - hr,i x o. Firtt Insuranco Ctt'i. 7071 i" í,-t ■,-., .... $.-11)0,000; UL' WIT1 THÉ TIMES! ?HE OLD AND BE1IABLE Clothing ümpc-ïiuniï ! VO. 3 P II 'K V T2T B L 0 CW MAIX STREKT. . ■ i irom the E&stcrn Citta , wilh a UugQ SPKINU AND STJMMEIl chtcb bo is non offering :i; nuaually t may be found CROADCLOT1KS, CASS1MËRES, DOESKINS, i% VKSTINGS. (f all doserijilion, mjwcÏ&Uj for' Wear irhich he is cuttiog and roaing to order, n i ■ ... . ■ - . .■ ■ ..: tf READY MADE CLOTIllXG! TBCKK9 CARPET BAGS, ri'r.RLU.AF, and Gentlcmcn's Fumisking Goods, wiih numettras otter artfdes nstt&Hy fouod in nxnilar ANEMPOIMJM OFFASHIÖN, t emibsfiibefÖntiora Innwlf. that bis loup rsprrioncc and genera) succes, will enable him to give the greateft t. :lion lo all vho may trast iiim ín the araj el uwtoiu!;t'. LUi;nc; gM ■ ÍC OALL EABLY! afid lo&vcjoüi T.M. v,;t;NF.R TO 1101 EPLRS. SOMETHING NEW.-. T. BABBIT'S Best Medical Saiekatl'8. i Is manufactured salt, aud ifiij - ; ..cnitiï Al! i :. 't BnOb :i l_i f x mannor a to produce Bread, Blrcuit, and al! J O.tucindii of paket vitbouJ p:nücle o! (g ■ tnttie Bread oc Cake is bakca;j thercbj proflac ■ Blesómf resulte. Everj turncd to guts, anö pas soa '. :i. u :'i ';i.' ;' . ;lfí y "" ' .,.-. ucntly. ut. :h:-i„' remuiiir bui ccmmnnSali s OO;v.-it-r, and t'lour. You will rcalily perceire, '■■: Q the taste of thi Saleratus, that i.U catiiclv Q AiOerentfrouiötherSalentfas. ■ y Itifl ' i ouad panír?, rach y rbraodeí, "B. T. Babbitt'i Brt Jloiiicioal u fQ ilmt;"aisn,pictri,twWetIlaf of bread UO willi a I eff rreseing water on the top.- y ..i mcbMe onepapm yon Bboald pre C U?rve ihe wravpsr, and bc particular to got tlic jf uext exaetly nke th brand af alwve. lj ffjl Full directiondfor makingBi-ealllStbiSal-t I vr erattu aud Souc Milk or Crair TarWrj willac company eacb package; also, rtircotionr I iMlcinzall kinds of Patrj; atoo, for makiuii ,' !S'r,da Wilr nd Soidlitz Powdore. . J 9! MAKETOUROWN soap with u "" 'i T. BABBITTS PURE CONCÉNTRATE! f POTASH. J Warranic-1 doublé the strengrth of ordioarj ij l'otaah: put np in cans - 1 lb.2 Hr, 8 Ibs, J AND Hard and Soft Soap. ('onsunjoi-s will fnnl K the cheapest ju tide iu market, r' Macufacíuiod aud for sale bv W IÏ.T. BABB1TT, IJ 54,6líl6SIT0,J6TtWliihinffton st. . "cw Yor'. ;H i 4 ■ ' aui N'ü &S íudia st, Boftton. J? 1 , ■( NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMP'NY. Accumulated Jan'i 1860, $1,767,133,1 MOFÏRIS FRANKLIN, President, J C. K ENDALL, Vece President, PLINY FEEEMAN, Acluary $100,000 DEPCSIÏED withtheComptroUerofthe Staíeof Xew York. Ditifieudfi avora !) per ccut. artnually. . m s 33 rx" s . Ba'nk; Sl,r55,49 [cvestcd in securitiefi,CTeated under the !a.vsof ro.rkandofthe ü. &, 25S,S70,T0 Üoal.E-'.atc and Fature, Nos. 112 and 114 Broadway 132,450 04 Boude and uortgageii draving 7 por ot. lntcrwt .3,098 .39 Notes receivpd tor Oper cent.of inc-miuiua on lite pohcies, beaiing interest, 675,315.85 QuarteiH' and Ëcnii-annua! premiums, dne subsequent'to January 1. IS! 2o.'55n-H lutorcftl accrucd up to Jan. 1, 18C0, 36.468.77 Rfntaaraodupto Jan. 1,1800, l,I0i.84 Pretajums on policfM n hands ot' genie, 2o,44-i.lï Í1 ,767,133 .24 Drs WELli and Lïrvnn, Medical Esr-miorp. 7 f.'itf J. ClLBlüir SMITH, Agent. SEWING MACHINE. WE u'o'jM rospcctfully fnform Ihe citizena of ANN ARBOli. aadall surronnding country, tlmt we havo olioaed rooms for ihe saïo of Ue fóllowiog woll Udowd nd popular Sewing Macbioés GROVER & BAKER, WEST & WILSON, fOREST CITY, THE PEA RL, CLEVELAIS'D SLOAT, & RAYMOXD. Anr persona t.-i riamine nar aasortmnt wïli ■'. orus witb acallut our rooma, dtrcctlj over the Gun Bhop, in Tfaompsoo k Suihcvland's block, fi-om 8 lo 12 a. m,, and 1 10 0 i ra. C. T. W1LMOT, A. J. SUT1TÍRLAM. - LADIES' DEPARTMENT. ilIInMASY A. HEUBBRT will cliarge ol tilia Department of our business and do all kind of FITTING AND SEWING-, Aud give instractloss in the use of Machinas to sucb as wifahbouoi uirea koowleilge of ttu-m. W1LM0T & SÜTHEELAJiT). Ann Arbor.Feb. 2S, 1R90. 7ú7tf LOOMXS & TRIFP, Succt-iflrs to Chapín LooniisndChapin, Tripp & Loomis THE abo vo flrm of Loom is & Tripp ha ving purchased the íntire interest of the fermer compartios will enntinue thi' businoss at the old stands, whero th'v v.ill be rn,t!y, on the Ahdrtwt nolice, to Gil ftll orders in thi.1 liue ot Castings and Machinery, En Uu noBt u'-".r!i!inïilike mannor, and ■ on fts liïjci'ftl termn as any oilicr shop intlu n te. Ari(Kir vnrious articlebinauufacturcd by u, wo would eumucrüto STEAM ENGINES of all jïvins; Iful uearbig and Fixturr?, WTOtiffbt anti cast; all Uk? various castingsfor mak ing and repairing Ilorse Powers & ïbresliing Machines such ft are a-t prosont, or havo formcrly been in d! fl ;m tliis part of the state, aa well s all ihe rariooa kïhd of i and machine work called for by farmera 'and nii-chanics iuthis section of the country. rif all tltc varïons patterns, np in siwsand pricos. will be keptconstantly ou band, goi the niost modern aú improved styloB. I1UBBA.RD-S WROTIGHT IRON REAPERS & MOWERS. bayi&ff commvQuw) manufactnring tin snperiorMachinc, sinple and couibinod, tlie farmers aro invited to cali and sce a specimen machine now in our ware room, bt'fore purchasingelnewhere, bclievinS thatthls machine necd ouly to be seen to convince thefarmor of ITS SUPERIORITY over the Reapers and Mowerf n Ihin roarket. Tlinnkful for fermer patronage to tlio old flrms, we woutd eolicit a continiiance from öld friends, ñni a trikl by all wislüüg for aii3thing lino ot busiaewi LOOJIIS t TRUT. Ann Arbr,May lSth, 1859. 697tf DE FORKST, ARMSTRONG fe CO. DRY GOODS MERCÍIANTS, 8O & 82 Chambers St. ]V. V. WOIl.l) NüTIFY ÏIIE TRAriEthiit tneyaro ojienin Weekly, in ntw aud lieautiful iwltonis, the l.W THE A New Print, whlcb rxfolc rvory l'iint n h Coiinfry to i--i -iv-ction ( execution aoddeAlgpio full Uaddw Co] ors. - Our l'rints are cheaper ihan auy iu maikct } ani im BtUBg wlh ctrii-;nt' sul''. Orden promptly at tended ti T32yl REMOVAL! o ir. 12 -A. nxr S3T3SXÏ a-isra j J I FOR a short TIMK REMOVED 1NT0 Wm ALLABYS SlIOE STORE, until he can go back ato his own BuiMing wblch hv Is tioitr building, and woóM Ue happy to eo 1. frien'ls and Custúinors. v 't', [ce Cieani by the Gallon cu be ruppjicd to par Km ut a short notlcè. J. HAXOSTKEFER. Ann Arbor, Warch 12 As t:'TiT!t Stomncliic preparattou ofïROI purtetd in (■i Carbon 1 combustión m Uydroften. ■ by li'.e 1uíIíl I Mi lical Autborttlc?, both ín Ku i tel PiateïKaii'J prescribed ia their praci: p Kpftrienea (f ÜiquFanda daüy prove tïiat no prepa rat ion of Irou can be oompard with i. (mpuritiee nni of vi'al eiH'rgy, pato and other■ . rerj conceti iladtafl iii wliicli il b :!; roved absoluicly cunttrvein e;ich ui' lh foüow i:f: oompiamta, rf: lu Dt'btlify.Xr rvoug Aircotlofli Emnclatfon i,-yxT psïa, i.'op .ü ■ r-.i i(;n. Hluri'Iicra, I -ent: ry, Inclplent Contitimptlon, Scrofaloiu Tuleroulsïï. Snit Ukeuin, M'-xw-nstrv'ti-n, White", Chlifosh, Livtr Ctmlainíst CksBonic ' . ■'■ malismt tntermittnt tevens, Pimpfaon the Facq, kc nto, col ÖEXBBAtJ KBiLiTT,vhet}irruorc(tUltofainit diseatic, or of th1 (■■[!: ioued Aiminution of ;jOryou .■:. muscular energy fixm chronic complaintfl, óno tri;d of rt'-i. ; ■:!-■■ ecOM'uJ to an oxlent which no escriptir-n norwritten attostation wouW ronder crodible. InvaflQs bo long btl ridden as to have iwcome forgotton in their own noigbborboodft, ! i flêuly re-appeareí in Ihebusj world aaif jiütt t-eturDcd l'rom protracted travel ina üisfaut la ml. Pome verr i; nal instances of tbi kmñ un attentedof femal ORtaeffttod vid i nf pparent ma rasmus, riSDguineoua exbauntion, ciüifal changos, and tíiat eomplicatton ■ f nerrmis and dyspeptíc aversión lo aii1 and exercit for vhïch the phystefañ has no ramp; lo Nk;vih's Afkkciiu-vs ui' ai! kinds, a ml for reasoos Cainiliar to niödical mop, the opera t ion of t!nñ pregara n nttstnCCCffiArily berialutary,for, unliko the oíd oxide, itjpigorouiïy tonic without boinc excitliig and --.t i hearing; and e'ntly, regtilarly nprviorit, even the most ob.stinnt'1 cafi"i of cofiiivont'ss witlnmt efV) btíing ti gaittricpurgative-, or iuflidtíDg a diaagroeable én It is tnislaxtcT pröpörtj', aiöoug ofuera, which makp it o emarkabiy efToctua] and prmapeul a remedj E ■■ W, upon wbicl) it also appears to oxct'L a di&tinct and sjíí1ciüc actiou by dispcraing the local teñdéncy which forms tLn-m. In Dyppktsia, innumerable asare ití causes, a SidkIc box of ■ tv Wilt o Pilïa have bften mifficed loc the uwoi habitual', iuuluding ihu attoadont Costheitesj. In anohecked DiJJtRHCU] even whon advañced to Ptsentery con - :iát(ng and apparently maügnant, tb? effect s ha vinar been equally decinive and astoniühing In the local pañis, loss oí Ü1!! ,iïidstroni;(ti,df'iiilitatiiif; coujrli, ;nil remiitent bectic, which 'gao6rallj indícate Innpient Consumpliont m serval very gtutirv:ng and interesling In sta nee. Ia Scrof.itous Tubcrcuolsis, thir. modicaicd Iron has ':.íl (kr moro than ib.e good effects of the most cautious[y b;tlanjed preparations ot todlae, wit hout auy of nnfir wcll Hftbihties. The atteation of JVnrales öannoi beioooonfldently Inritfii U tiii.s, rtetorallit. in Ihe cases peculiaiiy ie; them. In Rheiinuiusm, botU chronic and inflammatory - in Ihe lat tor, howevcr, more decidorily - it bas beeu invariably i woll reporte!, pcrth' a allcviatiiij; pain anrt rMucïng the ] awe'.lingsand stifTnrsR of tlio joints a ml museoiAa ín IittenniUcnt Fever itmuL Decessarilj' bea greaf rom edv and energetici restorativp, and prograss ha the new KcUlenionts ol" tbc West, ill uobably be one of high rcdowd and uaefulneaa. No rmedy hal ei er been discovored in the wholo histo[ ry of uiclicino, which exerta Bücb prompt, happy, and ■ 4orat;ve effects, Gond appotHe, di', gest-iott, rnj-i'ï acquisltlon of sirongih, wiÜi an unuscal i iispo?ttion for active and chetffti) O!crcUOj MutfBdAate . follow iU uso. Put np in neat flat mcfnl bxs containing r50 pills, r price O c-'iits por b"x, for ?i'e by drugist and dejilers. WW bOMDt froe to any addresii on receipt of tho price. All letters, ordrrí. etc., should beaddresBed to B. B. LOCKEj.VCo , Geueral Agent, 477yl 339-fe"óadwaytN. Y. GHEATGIFTSALE oL- BOOKS & JE WELHY! SCHOFF..& MILLER TX'OKDF.KTO 5IAK.E ROOM FOR S 3F R I 3KT Gr STOOK, have deierniiaed to sell their MISCELLAKEOUS BOOKS - AT- PÜBLISHEE'S P K I C ES, And givc to Eaeh Purchaser a Present In value from óOCents Up to $100. WITH E AC II B00ES0LD. ÍQ, Cali early and examine 'beir B.oka and Presentí. Auu Ariwr, HalchS, 1SW. 730tf. EXCITEMENTÜ I - - T li o s e K e w GOODS AT A . P . MILLS' CHEAP CASH STORE. (Soutli Slde of the Public Square,) are crating agreac excitment, and those wishing te make their SPRING PÏÏECIIASES, iro invited to cali anci eaminc Ftyle? and pnces before purchasiag. IVice Chaliies from Is to 2s. haions, Berages, Foulards, Crapcmenls, Balzarines, Brilhants and Fancy Silla in great variety, and of the latest patterns. Silk, Crape, and Cashmere ShawlEE very low . A Splendid Stock of Pi ints from 6 ets. per yard np. Hoop Skirtsat one half tho upua! in-ice. Ilats and Caps, Ladies aud Cliildrcn's Shoes ! ! Summeí CIdtlii anrl Pesting in Rreat varlstv or Patterns, whicli I am prepared tu inaUe up and WAKIÍANT A IIT. A full assortment of Domestic Goods, Crockcry and Grocei'ies, all of wliich I ofTor at the laweüt cash priecs. %Q I am not to bc undersold . A. P. MUJJn. M. CAMP ION. rfl] SUBSCJRIfiER lfAS JL'ST RETrüRKED from th X. EastwKh liis [FAILIL GS MOOaiTill GOODS WHICH HE IS D E T 33 n 3VÍE IEJ EZ) TO SELL AT THE Xi o ■xtv o js t 3E3 3rt. X O 13 , FOB CASH, at which, First Q,unll(y Gooáa cao lx aíTordod in thio city. My cloths are all of the F i n e s t QÜALITTT and as í manufacture them inlo clothiog inypelf, I ata enabïuil to WAERANT EVERY GAEMENT ÏB6l1,to be WKLL MADjZ, wlifchM a atrong indncmtnt toenstomyrs to patmnizc my ín preferencc to places where larj;? qxianlttfes of lmlf made goods arp kt:pt for Mtfe. I havo tho ijitwït fa.hio.vs, mul oao gïro you aa Fwr and eü Fitting Garment Ctfiui} bc hou g hl nnyitkertt I hui bniai'l to sell 13 9TBK: "BE13 A. 'M? n R - AND- BETTER GOOOS, (han any othoi slmHar rv'.'ibïisliniont, in Ir ■ Vjur ciintoin ih niw.-i rwpeotfully DTitod. M. CAHÏP1OW, Ann Arbor. Sei I 30. 1880. ljT1 1 G&2AT. GREATER GREATEST L:lcGAlKS 1VH.CIIII.I1J1 In tliisCity, are uoiv being offered at tli3 CHEAI'.CLOCK.WATCIÏ, & Jowelry Storor 1 MP' Pitbscri'wr wouUÏ sny to the citizis of Ann Ar1 bor, t.i particular, ftnd Ui! Ten of Wnshtcnaw Countv in cnrrnl. th1 hohnsjust ÏMI'OKTKD DlI'.CTLY froni KUltOPK.a Trcuieudons Stock of Watchcs! Ali of whic-li lm Iiiid himself to nell CHÍ '.PER tban oan be foouüht west of Kew Yuik City. Opon Knce Cylinder Watohé trom "5 to O10 do rio L&ver do do H to iil iluntiiig Case do do do 14 to 36 do i'o Cyllnder do do 9 to 26 Gold Watehei Som "O to 150 I have al-o ttte CÏZLEUIÏATED AMERICAN WAT CUES, wliich ï wlll sou t rr 53". Evory Vvatch wurrantud to i perform well, or ibe moncy refundid. Cl o c ka, Jfiwclry, riated Wara, Fnncy Goode, Uold Pen, Musical IuetrumrntB and ötrlnga, Cutlery, &c, and in f(t n varict.y of everythlnc Udüally kept by Jew ol:r eau be bmjghtforthe oext ninoty daya r,t yuv O W N PRICES! Persons bujinsr Rnything at thie well fenown establisiinuf ni can rely uppn qettiog guuda exnet'y as repreaented, orthr-monoy rclunded. Cail'early and ao cure the best bnrgaiua ever oftered in thïi City. One word in regard to Repair ing : We ero preparnd to mnke any repnirs onfino or commou Wntchea, evtn to lU'Jíiup c er the entire walch, ÍÍ iii.'CC#Lry. Ropmring of Clorks nd Jewelry as usunl. AIso tbe Rittuulacturinc ol RINGS, BROOCHS, or auythiug do tred, from California Gold on short notice. Enjjrflvii'C in 11 its branches exeentcd witbneat liega aud diepatch. J C WAÏTSAnu Arbor, Jan. S3thl859. 7L fvv Something Worth Reading! SchofflTMilIer, ARKAGA1N ON KANr.atthtir!d 'nnd, (Thrce DnorsNorthof Franklin House,) witb the moet t'ornpk'lcnnd E x tensive Assort ment -OFBooks and Stationery, Wali and Window Papeis, Oil Painted, and Gold Boidered Shades, Curtain Eollers, Tassels, Cords, ASD A THOUSAND AND ONE THINGS In thelr line, ENTIREI.Y TOO NUMVROUSTO MKNTION, which thsylntvite thcir friends, acd the publít gcnerally, tu Before Purchasiug Elsewhere, the7 flatter themelrestïifit their Stjles and Pricps cannot fnil to prove satidfactory. Aun árbnr Muy I, 18CO. llüRACE WATKIfS", AGENT 333 Broadwa3T,NewY o"r "k Píibllshcr of ?Iu&ic it1 ílusic JBoolts AND DKALER IX Pianos, Melodeons, Alexandre Organs Organ Accordeons, Martïn's celebrated aodoíher Guitars, Violins, Tenor Viols, Violincellos, Accordeons, Flu tinas, Flates, Fifes, TriangíesClarinettSjTuniníí Forks.Pipes andHammers, Violin Bowa, bestllalian Strings, Bass Instrumento for Bands, Piano Stools, and covers, and alí kinds of Musical Instruments. JS lx o o t 3VE -VL S i o, f rom all the pubhshers in the U. S. , Bertini's Huntin, and Modern íchool, aud all kinds of Inetrnction Booka for tho above instnimouts; Church MuüÏc Rooka; Masic elogantly bouud; Masic paper, and all kicds oí Music MercBaiKlUe, A t t hcLowest Prices. New Planos, At $175, S200, $225, $250, and up to SSOO. Sccoud. Hand Pianos from $25 p to Slfitt; Xow ilelodeons, $45, $60, $75, $10( and up to $200; Second Hanrt Melodeons from $30 to $80; Alexandre Organa, with five stnps, $160, niue stop, $185 and $2.r; thirteeu stops, S-50, $275 and $300; Aftoen stops, $320 and $375; A liberal discount to Clargyroen, ChurcheB, Sabbath Schools, Seminaries and Teachers. The Trade eupplicd at tho usual trade discounÍB TestliuonlaU of tlie Iloiaco Vatcrs Planos cutí Melocieonn Jobn Howtt, of, New York, vrho bas Jiad one of the HoraceWaíers Fíanos, w rites as foiiows: - "A friend of mine wishes noe to purchasc a piauo for her. She likes tlio one yo'u sold me in December, 1866. My piauo is becoming popular in tbis placo, and I tíihilt I can introduce one or two more; they vlll be more popular thau auy other make." ílWe have two of Water1 Píanos in ü in onrSominary, one of which has been Feverely tested for three yeara. and we can testify to their good qualfty and durability." - Wood & GreoVy, Mount Carroll, Til. 4ili, Waters, Esq. - Deak Sir; Having used onoof your Piano Forí os for two ycarí past. I have fonud it a very tupoiox Instrument. Alonso Ceat, Principal Brookhm Hfi#kt$ Scminary. "The Piano I received from you continúes to give patisfaction. 1 regard it ns ono of the best instruraents in tho place." James L, Clarke, Ckaritsion Va. The Melodeoo haí ní!y arrivpd. i féel obl'ge to you fory our liberal di?couut.;' Rev. J. M. McCoRMick, YarquesvilleS, (7. "Tho plano wan duïy rPCfïved. Itcnmn ín excellent condition, aud ís very much adinírod by my numerous family. Accept my than!;s for yoiir promptuesa." - Kobkkt Coopeb, Wárrenham, Bradjoed Co. Pa. "Your piano pleases afl x-ll. It is hc best one in onr county.",- TnoiíaS A. Latbam, CampbélUon, Qa. "We are very much oblifïcd to ym for havinff sont ■acSi afino instrumcutfor$250."- BiuxKjHkld S Co., Bitffdlo Democrat. f''rho Horace VTOtsn IManoKareknoTi asamonc; tho very best Wc are enabled to spak of these instruments with confi'ljnce, from personal knowledtro of their exccUent tone and durable quality." - JV Y. Évangtlist. 'We can speak of the menta of the Horace Watera piánóa from personal knowledge, as boiug the very flnost quaiiy."- Christian Intctligcnccr. "Tho Horace Waters pianos are ouilt of the best and most thoroughly sensoned material. We hftte no doubt that IiuycTs can do aa wcll,perhaps botter, at tliin than at any oihcrJiouBO in thé Union.17 - Advocate and Journal. ■ -' pífenos and melodenn8 challenge comparison Witn the fioest made anywhere ia tho country."- Home Jour ml"Horace Waters' Piano Fortes are of fuif, rich and even tone, and powerful - ft Y. Musical Reveto. í;Our friends will ñnd at Mr. Waters' titoro tho vcry best assortment of Music anil of I'ianos to be fouud in the United State, aud we ure our southern and western friends to pive him a cali whencvi-r they go to Ne-w York." - GraJiam'B Magazine. Warehouse 333 Broadway, N. Y. Sa b b a t h Sch ooi Bell, 100000 Issued lu ten Mouths. The unprecclpntfd salo of thisbook has induerd tho publisher to add some 30 new tunesand liyinn to its prosont fiize, without extra charge, except on tho cheap olitiuii- Among themany beautiful tunes andhymus added may be fon ml: - "I oiigbt to love my motber;' "OI'll be a good child, indeed 1 will." These and eightoihers froni the Bell, were ung at the Sunday School Anmvertiary of the M. E. Church at the Academy of Mus!ct with great applause. The lïell coutains noariy 200 tunes and hymnw, and is one of the best collections ever issued. Price 13c; $10 perhundred, iwstage 4c Elognntly bouud. embossed gilt, '25c, $'20 prr 100 It has been introducid {jato many of the Public Schools. The le.l is published in small numbers ontitlcd Anniversary and Sunday School Music Books, Nos. 1,2, 3, & 4, in order to accommodate the milHon; price $2 k $3 ppr hundied No. 5 wlll soon be issued - commenecment of another booki Also, Revival Music líooks, No, I á: 'Z price $1 k $2 per 100, postage le. More thau 800.00Q copies of the above bnf.ks have been smip.1 tiio past è!ghtoen months, and the demand israpidly iucruasing. Published by HORACE WATERS, Anni , 333 Broadway, X. Y. Publised by Horace Waters No. 33 3 Broadway, New York. Vocal, ''Kind Word r can nfverdie;" 'Thn Angels told me s,i;" "'; of the Wfitj" "ThouifhtB of God;" t-Givo me back my Mountnin Homej" 'Uay Drcams;'1 '' Cock Iinbin;" "I'm with thee still;"Pef o "There's no darilng like mine;" "Sarah Jane Lec;i;"Kver of thee;" "I'm leaving thw in Sorrow;" uBïra óf Beauty" "Home of our birth;'' "O'rave of Rosabcl,'" and 'Wake, lady, wake,,' price 25c each, [MSnuiDDiTAL; - ' 'Palace Garden, or Pinging Bird Ptolba,1 40c; "Swingmg Bchotüsene;" "ilirnbel Pchottihcli;'' 'Tliomas lïaker's Schottiache;'1 "Piccolomini Polka, 35 cents wch. The abovt'iiiecoshavebf.iutiful Vignettce. "Wclmer Polka;" Arabian Wai cry Murob," tin: vory last; "Vassovianna Doniolls Mfi.urku ; 'K( ;i '.. ing Polka;" "Crinoline WaHz," nd "Iincors' Qua drille,"25c cach. "The Empire of Reich's QuiulriH.;;" ft ncw dance, and "Tlie Hiboraian QuaWlie" 35ceach. Many of thcsie ptoces are played by lïaker's cclf'Jnitcl orphest ra witli liic-fit npplruse.j Maiied free. A large lot of Forvign Musiu at half prioe. Pianos, Molütlcons and Organs Tho Hnrace Waters Pianos and Melodeons, for depth, p'iriiv íf tone and durability, are ■■]. I'ri.' - very Iow econd Hand Pianos and UelOdons from $-ö to $150. Mu-ic aud ilusical InstvuotionR ot' aü kinds, al the lowest prioos. HORACE WATERS, Agent, No. 333 Broadway, N. Y. T&stimonuis; - "The Waters Pianos are known aBamonjj thevcry bept.' - Evangelist, "Weeao Rpctait óf thelr namrngfioni penonal knowleilge." - Christian Itiielitgcnccr. "Nothing at the Fair displaycd greatet excellence -"- Citirchman.. Watars1 Planoii and MMo4eonfl cfca3IngeoamikAr&ion wHb the tinest made anywherein the country.1" - Home Journal. 7Wtf Ayer's Cathartic Pilis, 2ST 23 xw BS JÊLa O OËJ Sw , u NEW SÏOIIEÜ New Furniture. MASTÍN" & THOMPSON, SCCCK6S0HS TO O. M. MARTIN, TTArK JU8I OrENKD IS THEIRnow an4 Elegant War c-R o o m s j EAST SIDEOF MAIN STKEET, A OOM PLETK STOCK OF ROBEWOOD, MAHOGAHY and SETS OF PARLOR FURNITURE INCLUDING Sofas, Tete-a-Tetes, Mahogany EOSE-WOOD, BLACK WALSTJT, Plain and Marble Topped EOSEWOOD, MAÏKGANY, BLACK WALNUT, FANOY and COTTAGE CHAIRS, &c, &c, &c, &c. -JÊki JK 98B 9 El e g a n t MIRRORS, Bureaus, Secretaries, CS 2 coa pilO ü@ B e d-R oom Sets, INCLUDING LATEST STYLES, -ofIISIV'B A O ji SXL Si Ü i ü? S3S3OL3 OF TEE BEST QUALITY AND Different Material. In Fact they Have Everything "W- H- I- C- H "The Old rolks," O- E YOUNG MAEEI E D PEOPLE " W-A-K-T T 0 URN' I-S-F PARLOB, BOUDOIR, SITTING KOOM, OR KITCHEN, AND OUE CITIZENS NEED NO longergoto Detroit or elsewhere To Find A LARGE ASSOETMENT T-U.-1-S F URN I TURE MUST BE BOLD - A N D- And Will bo Sold ; A- T VERY LOW PRICES! iïTï Let every man and liis wife or going to be wife, COME ANO KK. Theyalfio have a 1IEARSE ÜARRIAGE, We are alwnys rendy to uitend to the burifll of the dead in tho Cityand afljoiniop country. Rooms cast vi.ii-1 of Main Street, between Wftfihintouaud Ubertj. Ann Arbor, Nov . 1859. O. M, MARTIN. 0. B. THOMPSON General Land Agency PERSONS wanting fnrms, or rshfi-ncpt f n ornnif Ann Arbor, can by calling on me eeleclfrom a liet of a ver 1OO Farms For Sale! Ofvariouí slzoe f rom 3, te 130n aercreach (lome at yood ad:in ?in this Connty.) More t han SO DwrliiiK Hitiisr.s iQthisClty.froni two huudred to fourthousanddo - BriCQch:and ovor 2OO BUILDING LOTS! Amongíliít fíirme aro the Bishope iarm, IOOacrc, tlio Potter farm, Ín Green Onk; the Placcfarra, a.-j J 4.) acres, iheBhindonand Jenks farms, in Webster; h BtUbSa, Michnc.l Clancy, Newton B.ecgan, and Fallah9 farm, in Ann Arbor; J. Kir.xslpy'4 farm, In Pittöfif'd thé ílatch and Híck t'nrma in 1-odi; tii; Patrióle CluyulHnn in Krcedoro; W. S. Pavibon, B. fi. lïaker'B and Buck's fitrme loSylv'sn. Moatf these and maoy otbers can be divldod to auit , purofaaiora E W. MO.IGAN. ' AoBArboj, Jpn J. lc''fi 5 ' RISÜON & EENJDEÍtS S hu w ' - IBEISSJmW - B Xj O O KLNEW HARDWARE STORE ! ! ! i,.. i Q WK WOÜUD OAI.T. TUK ATTENTIOXOF (THK PUBLIC to our stock of ast a. e.:h -sLW BuBsbjse: HÊT" EL -BlT MH &m 9 IRON, STEEL, NA1LS, TIN, COPPEll, & SHEET IRON WARE, CHAIN AND CISTERN rUMPS, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, BRITANNiA WARE, (ÈC, &C, &C, CÊC. And every kind of Hardware and House FurnisMng All nork wil! bo sol'! as ( 1IEAP as at any other Establishment in Michigan, fo jay we Uavo got tho Best Ássortment of Cooking P ARLO E A JSrD l'LATE I3ST TUIS STATE, And will sell them Cliüapor than TUF CIlEAPhST, ricasa cali and fe ns. All kiiuïn of tin ware Uept on hand. Particular atteutionpaid to all kiuda of 7 CE H3 d 122. O!?!; Which nul be done !th NEATNESS AND DISPkTCH. &%- Ve$m calLiad sre our STOVE KOOii in 2d story of New Block. RXSDON k IÍENDERSON. Ann Arbor. Oct. 7, 1SL9. C3r O O X - RICH GOODSÍ CheapGoods! ! BAGH & PIER30N II AVE JUST OrENED THE OHOICEST STOCK - OF- Spring and Summer Good to be found in this City, consisting of LADIES'DRESS GOODS ncwest Styles and patternp, OAItEFÜLLY SELECTE D, puvchased chear, and Warranted to Please. AIso, GEiN'TLEMEN'S GOODS, Domeaticr:, Slaj 1?f, Family Goceries, &c. Consult your own intcrestfi cali anp early. BACH & PIERSOU 1359 _ 1S3O City Cheap Lumber Sash, Door s Blinds, Plaste? Paris, Grand River Piaster, Water Lime, Nails of all sizes, Glass, Paint and Putty, cêc, &c. . D. DeForest, HAV1NG increaspd hls fafiilitiea for doiïig businefis and onlarged hia Yard and Stock, ia prepaied the present eeason, with ite bcaïjlnrgest and cheaoest oasoned stock CTerin thl mirlet. to satisfy the reaeonablo expwtationa of all. Our motto Is notto be undergoldi'or cash on delivery. I wül not undertakotofrightenthe public bysnying that thry will get ahaved it they buy clsewhorc, for we presume that othero wülsellaslow asthcy can afford to. All kinds of Tiiutoer, Joists, and dcantllog, Pine, Whllewood, Ba#ewood, Hem' lock, Planed and Matcbed Pine, Wliitewood AshI''loorlng.Planedndrou!h Pine and VVhitcwood iding.Fencc Posta, Oak and Cedar Poste andPickct of all kinds. $int f atl), anï tüljttcroooïi L. .t) Ptne, Ashani Whitcwood Shlnglos, Barn Boards and Barn Floor Plank, BlaekWa.jut.andChcrry and thln alufl, Wagon and BUGGY AXLES and TONGUES, Roxttnd Body Lurnber,MapTc Log Timber', Uickory, Oak, Ash, Sim, Beech, Of n!Uhicknoaaee,width andlcnths,&c.. ác, Piaster Paris, and Piaster ofallkinds. X"f.iliS of all zes, c, ie, SAS1T,DOOES,& BLINDS, made by hand to order ns lowas factory pricce, on the shortestnotice bythe bcstof workmen, and Best Seasoned Lumber, Bills of all description in the abovo building line furniêhcdonthciiborteetof notlr-.c, for We have Mills Cutting Regularly. A ful! ando porícet aaortment of tho aLove and other klnde oí Building Materials Conslantly onhand althi lowestpossible rutes Cali and be Convineed. A few roda southfrom R. R. Depot on Detroit Street, Ann. Arbor, Mich. EOOFIN O, N.B - I am nov7 operating Extenaively la the Patent Cement Roofing. City Meat Market. o T;EUXDER?IGNKD, AT II1S Jl.-irlcot nrir ih Post Offic, keep constaully on hand a full as&ortmcnt of JP-ir-O",-sr la. áC-o-a--t-a- which they wül alwajl bo fouud in readiui'Ssto cut npon SUIT CUSÏOMEKS. tío PÜS8 will be tjiared to kiep tlK-ir uiarkct Clean, and Mcats Swect .-ïii'l mij rply upen nt(ipg tb Ivt hoam?; rtfabs, cuntí, etc.. ihat can be foaad in tho Gty. CAI , ANDTKV IS. S. PROCTOR 1. TA! KER. Anu Arboi . MJ I, !?0. 715m8 BheriíFa Sulu. nyvi: I XKXTION usuedout ..fnndirn1) i-t ll-i: -lid iiftllf CilCUÍt Oi.llll ftr ti ' I ■'.illly ff Withlenaiï. a "I State ofHehlgtl,btarliigdtr í.e .'4tli i, k (i .í,i.v .b'rii, nud l' direclcd aud 'ii-lÍTwr.-J, 1 leli, ail! ínr walil thereof - ■; ;is 1. M:titn defeudarit th. ri-hi !,. v..:. 1 iImi ou tho ;'-'t!. diyr Jnljr. lSiiu, w-ty II ihorfglit, tille awf iñterwt oT the said i i.-:: . m T. Uun in a:t'! !■ following fawribad ArraJ and premisos, tu-u it : ■i numbcr S91 townwlitp dddiht 2 s.iu:li f muge .umi. . ■ i uur centw ol I] ■ ruad ícadtng frora Aun Arbor to Jackaon, nt a ; n1 ■ rhanis anti 70 li:ky fastijly fn.'ni 'Iu iiiLermclioii " d nnii tho west Une of Kan! Matton, löencc uortli t' i ' on libo ; cuaíiw and 43 link tothe dilch for the creok ihenoe casi along said telt ..,1 13 links to S! ni-m Mann'fl "■' t Une. thmee BOulh tu.-ai'J tbence west tu loo place ofbegmmng. .!m 1 ts aumber H. 13 and 1-, and all of that part of er II, tii.'il Ihw loutb nf a Uno dram fror an4 43 links toutli of the mn-th-enst eornfti ot :--t nnmbor 14, aciording t i a piu'. i part oí the nortb east quartei oí si-ctiou numbár 21, lowndsip nn)br 2 Mkuth of range O o líber r, page 137. Also lot nuujberono in's ad.litioj. Also th tuUowlng, tx-ing tho . tba ïïwl lialíol tbe nortll cast iiuartcr of hectiou uumberSO, tuwnship number 2,0outn of ranga li east; more partieolarlT dererlbed a follnvr i., mi: Ijcgiimins ui tbc territorial road leading fi"ui Ann Arbor to Jackson :it a point w:icro tha ewt and wt luiia-sof fiii.i r( lartc-r íi-ctiou ïikca Iba ceuk-r of aaiii road, running -theDceaoutb o-jtiie liw betweeu tlio east and west halví of ti nortlmwt iiuarlcr of nectioii aforesaid - roda and 11 Ltakft, tbüiuce weat 13 rods and 7 links, Ihence north to tlio centre of sai'l road, tbenco i i roiU and 8 Uokl toilie placa ot iK'ginning; coDtainiDk' 5 acres oflaml íhUh tOM'nshif nf Aun Arbor aiül in Oie eouhiy át Washteuaw uní Stat of Mplgan, all of which premiwa 1 rtartl oxpow tot nalaat yublio auctinn, us tho law lirecU, at tho front door ot tho Court lloüi-.-, in Uic ly of Aun Arbor, tiiat !x-iiig the pía for holdini; Ibe Circuit l'omt for tbc County of WasBl - n.iw, OH iíolldiy Ui -JM ilay ..f Octobor iict, al cloveoo'cock iu the teewon ■rU: jOaát Dated, Aug. 29, 18C0. SheriíT.s ale. BY VIIVTI'E OK AN EXECUT1ON' insiie-l out of and under tho cal of tho Circuit Court fur tho Countj of Washtonan-, nr.i State of Michigan, bearil;gdte tho lOth day of July 1800. and to me directod a;nl dcliverwi, axáist the gooda and chattels, and fur want tbercof landa and touenicnts of Ira Becklcy, defemlant tht-reía DMoed, I did n lbo Wth day of July, 1800, levy upoa and eize all tho right, tille and inttrest of tho naid Ira BeekMy inand to Che. followinj dt-scribec) land and premisas, to wit: North half of tlio north-weat quarter of iection uuiuber lti in tow(lhij) number 2 armíh of rango 6 east coutaining 80 acres in tho county of Waahtonaw and ítate of Michigan, al! of which premisas I shal! ex1.iiii for salo at public anction,aa the law directa, at thj frontdoor ofthf Court House, in the City of Ann Arbor, that boing tlio place for holding ths Circuit Court for tbo Couniy ofWaahtenaw, on tóonday tha22dilay of October nent.át eleven o'clockin thc íorenoon of aaid da.T. TUOS. F. LEONAKD.Shoriff. Datod, August 29,1860. Sheriffs Sale. BT VIMTE OF AN EXECÜTION isu(yl out of and ander the seal of the Circuit Court for the County f Washtenaw, aud SUte of Michigan, boaring dütthn líth day of Augu?t 186V, and to ino directed and delircred, againüt goodx and chatU'ls, and for want thoieof lauda htiá bmementd of William F. Wbtte, defendant therein n;:iiiod, 1 did on the 15th day of Aucruftt, 1800, levy upon and seize all the right, title and iuterent of th the said Willian I'. Wbite in aml to thu following doscribed land and preiuison, to wlt: The oilth qurtr of the south-east quarter of section thirty ouo in Township fouT floulh of range aeren east, bftfng m tüe Townh'uip of Augusta, ín the county of Washtenaw and Stae of Michigan, all of which preinifle.1 I shatl espose for salo nt pitblic w.-tion, as tho laws directa, at th front door of the Court House, in the City of Ann Arbor, that biug thc place for holdiDg the Circuit Court for tho County of Washtenaw, on 5Ioml.-.y, the 22d day of Ootober next, at eleven o'clock in tho forenoon of aaid day. TI1OS. F. LEONABD, Sheaff. Datcd, August 29, 1830. ShürifTs Salo. BY VTRTIK.OF AH fXKCUTION issund out of and ander tho seal of the Circuit Court for tho County of Wa -h'.t-miw, ainl StaU; of Michigan, bearing date the TtU day of July, lii'J, and to me dirt'cted and delivore!, agaiust the gootlf. aii'l obatteUji and for want thereof landö aud tenements of Francis War defendant therein oamed, 1 didjon the 7th day of July, 1S60, levy upon and BOizeall ri;h'., titU-auil ia1ori.-st of lbo aaid Krancw Way in and tollie fotlowii;g described laud and preuiifte, to wit: limite and on acre of land bountlel east, west and south by A. Traver's land, north by land owuimI by Seth C. Darwin and beintr near Traver's Saw Mili and formcrly owned by Mead Thomas in town-ship two gouthof range sii east iu tho county of Washtenaw and Stato of Michigan, all of whlch prmlsea 1 shall exposé for sale at public auction, aö tho law directe, at the front door of Iho Court House, iu the City of Ann Aroor, thal btiag the place for holding the Circuit Court for tho County of Wash tenau-, ou ifonnav t]ic "á day of Oclobor next, at elcvea o'clock in the lorenoon of said day. TUOS. F. LEIWARD, Sheriff. Dated, August 20. 18C0. KOÏICE. NOTICK Ii IIEREBY given that tlio subscrii"T win malie application to the Circuit Court for theCounty of Washtenaw, to be held at the Court House iu the City of Ann Arbor in said County on the 4th Tucjday of October next, at the opening c'f fiaidCourt,or as sooa thereafter as a hearing can be had., to v.icate ceitain streetsaDd allcyti in Cross and Shutts' Addition to tha Yillage of Ypsilanti, Coiinty of Wa&htcnaw and Stato of Michigan, to wit : All the four rod streel lyingbetween and contiguoua to lots fivt aud six.and lot eightcen, and th northorlj half of the remainder of Sftid stree'. . The Alley betweeu lots twenty-trt-o and twenty-three, all of Shutls' street and somuch of the public road on the poutlierly end of eaid Addition as lies pontiguous to lot twentyeight ; Also, Romuch of the alley as lies contiguous la Iota three and four acd lot iive in said addition. JASOX (r.OSS, MAÜTINUS L. SHUTTS. Jas. R. Coot, Attorm-. 758w8 Ypsilanti, Juiy 25, 1S60 Mortgage Foreclosure. DEFAULT HAVI.Víí BEEV MADE IN the coaditioi of a Uortgage exc-cuted by John Weinman to Wil iam R. May;iard,the24thdayof July, A. 1). 1S58, .lm reco.ded in the Register'8 Office in the County of Waih 1-t aw in Ijber No. 24 of Mortgages, at p ge 661, on the 25th day of July, A. D. fifteen minutta pnst fivo o'clock, P. M.ljv wliioh default the power of aio contained in said mortgnge became operalire, and no Bult or proccedlug having bn institutedat law to recover Uie dobt secured by said mortgage. or anv part thereof and the sum of two bundred and forty dollars and aeventy-one cents, being nowclaimed to be duethereon. Notie is tlierefore, berebr given that the said nrortgago will bo foreclowjd by a sale of the mortgaged premise towit: "Lotsnumbcreleven, twolre, thirtcen and fourteen, in Btock sixsouth, range two e t, according to a Plat ot Williara 8. Maynard-'s fcecond addition ín Ana Arbor," in said county, or some part tbereof, at public vendue, at thc Court House in the c'tv of Ann Atbor on thethird day of Nov-mhor next. at neon. Wm. S. J1AYNARD. Mortgagee. E. W. Morol.v, Att'y. Dated, August 8, A.D. 1860. Ï45t4 Mortgago Foreclosure. TvKF.U.-I.T HAY1NG BEEN MADE in thc condition of JJ mortgiige cxecirted by Samuel W. Koster to Josenh W Seymou-, dated February eighteentb, A. D. 1839, and remorded in tho Kegister:s office in tho Countv of Washtenow, in 1-ilier No. 7 f Mortgages, ..t page -H8, on the 6th ilay of March A. D. 1S39, at nfty minutes pat 4 o'clück I'. M., and by said Soymour asigned to NelBonH. Wiug, April thirtccntb, A, D, 1839, bV deed roeoraed Juüpoigbtecnth A. D. 1S0O, at one'o'clock r. M., insaiü Libi-r 7, Lat page f449, by which default thi power of sale contained in said Moïtuage becamo operativo, and no snit or proceeding having been institated at law to recover the debt secured by said mortgage or anv part ihercof, and the sum of thlrty-four huudred and lifty nix dollars being now claimed to bo due tbereon. - Notice is thtreforo hereby given that the said mortgagf will be foreclosed by a sale of tho mortgaged premises to wit: All that certain tract or parcel of land known ancl describcd as so much of tho North East fractioa oí section uine, in the Township of Scio, in said County, as lies west of the villagc of Scio, and west from land pwned at the date of said Mortgage by Rufus CrosEiuarj andOrson Qoackenbush. (XMpsng 'cno hol f acre of land deeded to Moscs Wallace, January fourteenth, A. A. 1839. and onc half acre of land where there are sovcial graves, and also tho rights of flowing land ithich 1-ad then bf-n deeded to Orson Quackcnbush andJtufu Crossman, by Joseph W.Seymour and Samuel W.Foster.) aud aleo thc list part of the West qnarterof the South-West quarter of section three. in the Toivnshir aforesaid, cdntaming about seventeen acres, lyinp tast from and adjacent to land then onned by Tliowas Hoskyní. Also lots ono lilock six in that part of the Vilhigo of Scio, surveycd by S. W. Fostor, in April A. D1835, and reoorded iu the Register's office iu said county, o r soms part thereof at public vendue at the Court House in tho City of Aun Arbor, on tho third day of No. vember nest, at noon. NELSO.V H. TVING, Areignct. E. W. MolUUXj Att'y. I'ated, August 7, A. D. 1860. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Fourth Judicial Circuit in Chaiincoy, HKNUY B. 1IBBLE, ] .„ifpendin? in the Cirlt K1UIARD W. CLAKK, I fourt for the Couniy o{ afld [ Washtenaw, in Cbancerr ADDISOXü. BICKFORl), at Ann Arbor July 7 vs. I 1860. CÏEOR&E E. PARUEI.EF, J It appearing by aflidavit to the atisfaetion of tho Court, that the defendant in this caBe dees not reilde In Michigan, but is a residoat of tho State of California. On motion of T. M. CooHey, solioitor for comptuinant, it is orderod that thc said defndnut came his 'appearancs to bo entered in ibis cause, and notice thereof to l-c serred on coinnlainant's solicitor wiihin ihico mouths from thetdatc of this order ,and that in case of hls appearancoho cause hisanswer tocoraplainaats bül to be filed and á cepy thereof to be served on complainatn's solicitor within twenty days of the service of a copy of said bill, and in default tliereof said bill may be taken as coufessrd. byhim. Andit.U further onlered that irithifl twenty dttya .i.ciplniliaots cause a copy of thisotder tobe published in the Uichigan Argus, a public newspapcr piibli-.!.i-il al Anit Arlwtr, in saidcounty, and that sueh pnhlication becuntiuued in saJd paperat least once ia-Mch week, for eight succes? ive weeks, or that they cause rbis order to be personally served ou said defeiidanf , al least twenty days before the timeabovo prtcribed fur his-op. pearanco. c. H. VASCl.ï.vr.. ' Circuit CourtCom. for WaihWuaw Co. Mich. T.'iO w8 Murshal's Salo. Circuit Ciui t of the C. R.)„ District of Michigan, j58' BY YIRTUEof an Execution, Muod out n( lbo Cir cuit Court of the United States, for the District of Michigan, bearing date the third day of July, A. I 1866, whcrein Williani A. Smith, Wilham Steek .Ir ■■ lira Smith,.Ir., are Platotlffa, and Mars). uil I Mi.nill and Cardner II, Sliuw, are defendanÍK, dirdctrd and dehve-n ,i to the. Marital o) saU diittlat, he tho said Marshal by 'v. I,. 11. Walltag, Sta on tho nrth .!av oi July, A. ü. 1856, levy upon the foliow'ng describoc lands ör premises, viz:--Tho fouth-wcst quartor or Section No. licventeen, and thc south 6fly acies from oif the east half of the north-enst quarier of section No. nineleen: and the east half of thc uorth-west quartor of section No. seventpcn,aml the south-east quarter of the southwest quaiterf-f atún Ho, eight; all in lown two Beytb of range four ea&t, coDtainJog in all thrt-c bitndi ■ thirty acres of land mnre or k-ss. Notice is -hereby given that by virttie of said levy I shall scll at Publlo Auction or venduo at tho front dnor of Uie Court House in thö City of Ann Arbor, in iwiid District, on aturday, Uw firstday of September, A. D. 18G0, at 12 o'clock ,'doou of said Iay all the abovo described lands or pre-r.. so much thereof as mny be uccessary tosaitit-fv mIUc.xccution together iritb :lÍ1 L:nts thcreou. J. S. BAGO, TJ.B ..-■ ByN.B.NYE, Deputy. D.iied, Ann Arbor, July 18. 1860. The above jalo i tvrdiv postpone'l unli! Saturdaj tli löth day of Septembat, inet at tho same place aad. :imc of day. J. f. BAGO. V. B. Mojrshat };-.- N. ü -NVr. Deputy. Daip'l, Ann Arbor, September I, 1860. TMti Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,