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New Advertisements. Scio! Scio! Scio. W H EAT WANÏEÜ! THr: ondenigned hdvtog Wed tb Gardinér MIU at uro prcpared to Im.v Wheal and lay '.ie highot markei Scio, Snpt. 18, WO. (Tfltf) B. GTIEEX & BRO. MA F "QÜTrTERö ! For al! Cnmpaign DoouraeoU, Kor thrt Irrea of ;tlt thé candidato for ' ident and Vico Presidoat, contamiag au im I il htxtory of thcir liro. For all báadsam atam'af Plag. For tiiose bfuuïiful tfKLftissoTTPE Picti'res , Df rDUio tJitKliiiiites for 1'rcsiiïcnl and Vico ; PrftKjdent. For .Mfda'.s of all 1bo Can Channa f all ibe Candidato. For Fiaiigi h iif ill ihe CandidataFot Breut Pin of 11 Candidatos. Cali and get one of ttifm rcprf(;rling your favoiit Candidato. Foi .aleclicapat Wholesale or A. 1 BFOR&T, Agent for Pubüsher and Mamifi;1urC". 7C-6tf Murtgage Fureclosure "TlKFAUI.T havinï bwn ra-i 1 in the condilion of a I' Morlafíe executed bj i'atnck Sullivan .and Joanna SuHivaQ lo Luth6rJ&mM datfd Apriieighth, A. I) i?5g it.'l reflorded ;u the Rgutr8 Olllce in afihtenaw Liber z4 of Hortgages, at page 422 pril 9tb,A. D.l5,at half palt tiirce o'olik, P M., by wblch rtc ml! the pover Of sa!t continuad in said mnrtgflge b?camc operiitivo. and no iuit or nroü'jeiling bal in Xtltuted .it llvr to recover the debt nocured b7 Kaid mortgige or any part tUoreof, and the turn of one huuilrc.laii.i lwntyOD dollar being nnw olaimcd to be due therpon lid turthcr itirjt to beemne duo; N'otice in therefori' heroby given that Raid morttf.'ige vr]l ï)e fore. closfd by a salo of the mnrtgfd premises, lo-wit: Tho aouthwest quarter of the norih uaiït quarter, nd thei s.iuth-estqimrtc-r of the north-irost qunrter of section So. sovon, and the south-ca-t ten acre of tho soutb-east qaarter of the north-tast quarter of Rection No. nine, extenüng eveirty rods oant and west, and north and' soutli far cnough lo contaiu ten aerca, all in township No. one south of rango G-e,easi, beiog ig Vebtr, in lbo Countyof Wushtenaw, ao 1 stilte ol Michigan, or urne jiart public rendf, at th Court tiouao in tho city of Aaa Aroor on the lStlt áty of Ueceuiber next a: tloon. LÜTHE8 JAMK?. Mortgagee. Dat), 9ept '.Oth. A. D. 860. 766td i acts for the People WASI1TENAW - iSDADJOTIMNG COUiNTIES! And thcir nuirerous juctons sn6wcred. Whti is Ewiybody trading at the "BANNER STORE '-Bccuuse A. P. MILLS, the Propvietor of tliat Establishment has just returued froia tho üasieru Cines wuh the Larg-sls Sixndsomest, Cheapest, and Most Attractive Ótock of STAPLE AND FA IS' C Y DRY GOODS! ever brought to this part of the State. Why i$ Eterybody plcased xmth his Stock? rtecaiTai hissiyïei aro moro baan i ful, qun-lity better.and pnces lovot tban at any other store in the count. Why Aas ke always Somethïng New and Cheap to Show? Becanse ha hasa fricnil cocnectoi with one of the gftst DryGoD.lö Ü--u-i-s ia New York, who 'is coniimiaUy 11 BOBMG nOtfï'D" for chcap bargainsanl Ihe lateat stylcs, n-s thcy appear from t.nie to time, nd in wa keepahim üupphed with e y les, and cunsoquently cuslumors eau ul-.vayH flnd soiueUiiiigFi'eu, NEW CHEAP and DESIRABLEWhy does hé seü so much Cheaper than the retí? Booms lio has a bujer ia the city sil the timo to taks advantage of the coutiDual change of the mrkot, and n tliat rajr buys h3 goods much chonper thn others can, nd thec he mirka them down to ths Wlitj does he se'l Ladies' and Ckildrem' Shoes to much. cheuper than was eoer hard oj bu the oldest Shoemaket s? Beoiuso he buys his stock in the land of shoeinakers, of Ihe niAn.ifanurers, full '.5 por cent cheajxjr lhu the c Yurk Jobberi soll them, and much bttier wt-rk than geuerallr keep. 'lhiscourse enablos him to salí i Gaiter for 35 Cents. tblD othorssell at 50 conts, and a better FSSED GAITIR at iü ceutó, thau ollierd boli at ;ó ceutd. Has he any Hat and Gipsf Ves, I slnul-l think ho has Btacks of thom, enough to sipjjly tlietitato, at pticeslower thau was overheardof rouuJ theso part. Why is his Tea to much b'tter for the price you puj than you gel at other places? Because taUosgreni care in selecting t, an'l giveshis customors tio beooiit of a real good 75 cent TEA FOR 50 CENTS, It is a waf ho has got. Where thouM you jn to get ynur CLOTHS and have them Cui or Made? To tho BAN'.N'ER STORE; wbero the l'eoplo's Bmner is unfurletlfor thü t'onplo sgood. South aide of Publio 3n uro, a fow doors west of Cook's Hotel. A. P. MILLS. Sept. 18, 1850. jgijti KOW IS THE TTME TO COMmbn:e FORMirja clubs FOK TUE NEW YORK WEEKLI -ANDCOMIC PIOTORIAL PHÜNNY PllELLOWlll d SPLEHDID PREMIUM TO EVEKY SUÜ( .'RIDER!!! THE NEW YORK WEEKLY AND PIOTnRIAL PIIUNNÏ P II ELLO W ONE YEAR FoR TWO DOLLARS!!! OURTERIÖSTO CLUBS. 1 copy one year $2, aod th Pictoiaï PhuDny l'kellow ono ycar. 2" 83, and & Premium. 4" " ....5, 6 " " .' 9, 8" " ...$13, " " 10 ' " .. $.S, " 18" " ...$18, " Send for k Fpccimcn Nujiibpr, wljich in furnished reE2, aaJconUin full purtiottlan of PREUIÜM4. STREET & SMITH, EijITOss tm raoriumoRS or tde NEW YOÍIK VVEEKLY Sm7C5. %% lieakmaii Strctt K. V. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, JSEW AND CIIEAP Gr O O 13 S a I have recoived my FALL STOOK, and offer for sale at X,OW PRICES. 500 Piece8 American and English Prints. 100 Pieces Lancaster and othe Ginghams. 200 Pieces Delaines, Plain anc Plaid Meriiioes; & other Dies Goods. 50 Piecca Black and Colored Silks 500 Broche, Bay State and othe Shawls. 400 Dozen Gloves and Hosiery. 20 Bales Light and Heavy Sheet inga. 50 Bales Stripe Shirtings. Tick ings, Denims, Cotton Y&vn anc Wadding. 3000 Lbs. Batting and Carpet warp 500 Lbs. Woolen Yarn, and Knit ting Cotton. 500 Stark Mills and other Bags. 5üO Pieces Bleached Cotton anc other White Goods. 100 Pieces Eed and White, all Wool and Cotton Flannels. 500 Embroiderod Collars, and Linen IPdk'is. 300 Hoop Skirts. 200 Pieces New Style Dress Trimmings. 500 Pieces Velvet and other Ribbons. 500 Cloak Cords and Tassels. 500 Dozen Coats ■& Clark's White and Colored Tluead. 500 Soft Hats, 50 per cent. less than Hatter's prices. 2000 Pairs Ladies, aud ChildrenV Shoes and Rubbers. 100 Pieces Broad Cloths, Cassirueres, Satinéis, aud Kentucky Jeans, And all small wares to make up a PULL STOOK OF DEY O-OOJDS, --and clioice - FAMILY GROCERIES ! These GOODS ARE ENTIRELT NEW ! and have been purchased of first clasa Boston and New York Houses at; piïces nanicd only to Largo Dealers, and will be 6old FOB CASH, OR PRODUCE at its cash value. JOHN W. M4YNARD. Ann Arbor. ept 17, 1860. 768 Mattbui's Salo BTTVTftfüE OY AWBïf'crf fïori fitefaftjiamied "ut of and ander the rca! of fho Circuti t'i.urt of thoUriu-d state; fr the Ittrtc1 -' MíchaD, datud on tl:e thirtefDth dj of Febi ry. IK, 1S60, to me dlrected jri 1 (ieliwrtipi-n-l Ifao goud anl cuattcl land tinrt lnhwnt of Jubn D ;■ '-:1. Ididon the twonly-thlrd day of KeDruitiy. A. '.. : . (- my thfU dfputj Alit ftilliam - ■ ■■■'-■. tltta and iDlemt .jf tbc - nul to the foUoirïog de#cilUed U un. i teuementa t i wit: 'li' mth V of ':' " "Q- -i Nn. : ■ la I lying norfh "f the Vil .:■■:■ of rtanr-he tcrou the s--' ,'i of we'ton 2, (roen ■ .■■■:■.): -.v,-t ' of:!h-'.vv;( L, MCti n 2: 1 - - 'f "UTheat :.; -í ' '■ . '; ■■■i1 2 rciv olftbee&si I ' tli ■■■ I 'í oí wnitb-Bt Jf; .-1-.. j ■ ...uil-west '. oí ROrtbeoxt . i ■ : : rag ! ■ wt. Also uil tU-:' ■ H in tbs iowiwWp rf Minchester lieing the past 40 ncw o! the nortb part of tb ' o .; fnw ioni - . , . n the ii nu Line ofsaid Mction ut b point 81 cb&ine 81 Hoks from the oorth-eat corner of eid ie et loo, runiiiag th-mo mesi nn .-:i i 1 a ctloii line 28 chaina nd u7 links to the ii trtb vi.s c ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ " ;l of Hif nerth west . i ctl ■. tbeiKv outherly " the quaiter line tothAsouth west coratr of Lbo norlh-east '-Á of the north-weat vx of natf Recio, thenc1 wsurtj 28 chaiM auKï" link . the =a:l Béction line fo th south-veKtonrneroriaaiI avsigoed to al bionTÑ'g to Lora therly onthe wt line of aaid NigjpnV lnJ toth place of beginning, loclndlugalsothc riti.' -ily directton aero i s Fi fl , land rcsemng tlir right vf wavin an easjtèrlj nu; i ,. ncröfJ the a;d 40 pcre; Ín totmiihin 4t goutb of rangt 3 V Also blocks tfo. 1.0.7,8,9, 15,18, 19.23 24, -'&, 26, 27, 28. , Ö, Bi, C6,an.l; , lot ïïo. 3 an-l wem ;■: ftlso lots No. 2.8, 8, it lt. 12,13. .4, 15 in !;■ cU 1 (exoptfroin the bore decripi ■ ■ ■ i'QtJ Korl . i. for l)(i"t ffniün-l and ai-o ;; . 6 m bl-cfc 24, and Iotl2 ín Wock M owncd s.,' fi. . ,..; ,-., i; also lot 3. 6, fi, % and ! wost K of ]-t ö in biock 12; loti 4, ö, au'l 6 iu bl-ick N . 22 (ovcept that deedAd lo WiUiam Baxter) ;&lohl ekNn 16 (exceut lot Mb. 1, 2 an-1 4.) ail in ibo vÜl.i"1 of Manohwter;alaoii pdrt of aast Ji of , Dortheatt -o. 11, n Towp 4Roathrnngo3 e8i I oarth'weftt eorner of s.iiii lot, thtno north l ..::■! 'T ;:;ixs to a st-nke ia norih-ive t b ui Ury of U:l 1 ; owaed bj Mwsw Carr atvl 0UDt thdoce -1 ■, ■ 'n(ii 5ï de rrow and 0 min ,■ Qka loast.iKc in the mid fi'o of the Te . ..■; i). ■ fiiin, n Tth 62 degrWit and ;0 minutes west 2 chaina aad 7 links to the place ol beginninz containing 88-100 acifsufiand; alao ots Xo. lo, u, 12, 13. 14 aiv1 15 in block N'o. 18 of the VMIage f Vlaacbeater; nlo bloeit Xo. 19 and lot N'o. b iü block IS in Haschestor: also beifinaiiig at a certniu etiike on t;i-the river liaisin and on thtcast a-tao of biock Nb 20 in the village "f Uancbester, tbeoca soutli 51 .leiiree-i 30 mloutea west to a taLc iu a line botwecn btockfl '■' and -V ï ïi Raid riïlfcga, thcoco alony nsid lino Dorth 2U :-■■ a ! 0 iu DUtw to llio Kiver aforesaü, theno' iilnng s.iii liivLT t.i tlio place of begitining, conUriblng Jlfofaaacre, Whloh aald fïescribed lauda nd lotH'inent.s br virtuo of the s. 1 levy nd in obüieuco to the coinna rritof FrerlFaoU! ■hall pose for Balo ai publ'C f.uction to thu highet lMler on th thlrteeuth dajr of NoTember next, at o'clock at noon of that 'l.'.y, at ilip foat dooi of the Court Houne in the atv uf Aun Arbor in th County of Washteaaw, and UUtrict au.l stitle o. Ilicl JOHN 8. BAGG, U S. Marshal. By Wh.liam PeOSI.vS, Jr„ Denuty U. b. Marahal. I atod, Sepi ,14, 14 Mortgftge Foreclosurc. W HERBAS dtlkulthu boen mide in t!ie pament of a n siitn of nj'iney , scctire-i to bc paid by a certain Indt ature i" U ' nádate the twenty fifth day of April, A I). lL5ö, eTecutcd hy Henry J. Mülerand wit to ..cvi H U.iviieí, Aod recordad in the ufiïctofth Register of iJceds in the County of Washtonaw and t:ito of Mlehig&n on 1ho twpnty-tourth riay of May of 8aid y-nr, in L ber 21 of Movtgages on folio 52 an.iwbcreaa .aiiï 'lor'crago wa duly assigncd to me on the nixth dar of September, A. D 1800, by the said Levi II. Haynon, whicli s„U a.ssicjiimpnt wan duly recorded in the oulco ftf the Register of Üfeds in the County of Washtenaw afore said. the 13th d;iy of September, A. D , 1S60, in Iiber 21 of HortgaffMOO folio 530; and wiicrcas, there is now duo nnd unp.iid upon satd Morlpare thëacm of thre hundrodand nloetj threo-ollaraand fortj thre cents ($39343) ; and no Buit or proceeding at IftV or in equity having been instituted to roouvwr theamt, or any part thereof; Now. thdrefore, nntice is hcreby given. that by ftrtM of power of .siilö in sa:d Morlgage coniained, on Saturdaj the l&th d;iy of Pecerabcr next, at twolvco'clock, M , at iho front (outer) i'.onrof the County Court House, ;□ thft City of An-j Arb n-, Cminry and State aforesaid, (the eaid Court Housobeingtlie place ifhoMing the Circuit Court ui ar:il for baid County of Waahtoii&Wj ,1 shall scUatpubUoauctton, to tho bigheat bWder, tiie satd Mortgaged premises, or bo nvich thcj'eof as fih.ill bo necesaary to pay aaid imount duu. together with interest irom thi date, anil the oost and expenses of sale, allowed bv law, saíd premisos belng describel as folio ws, to-%Tt: Alt Ui&totrtaln tract or parcol of land nituated in the villago of -line, ('oiniy aad St&te aforcoald, lyingand beidg in section number ihree (?.) as taiddown iñ the Village plat ofsiid VilliEjc, baing in Township number four (4) south of range numoer five (5) east nndboundel as folio wij: begïnuiugon 'bc weaterly line oftho Ann Arbor or Adrián street onc handled and ilfty-üvo feet southerly from whera it is ïnterseo-ei the Chicigo running thcufo Boutberly ftlong the tresterljr line of Ann Arbor or Adrián s'reeu fivc rodfl fint] len feet, 1 henee weaterly parallel with Ch:rago road twolr r ds, Ihencenortherly parIlel with Adrián s'reet fivt roda and ten feat. theoca ea-tev y i arallel witbthe Chicago roadtwclve rods to tho place of bginning. C. VaX HUAN, AsBignee. W. A Monne, Att'y forAssgnco. nted,Sept 14, 1860. ' ÊLEOTION KOTICE. Sdkriff's Oïtick, Ann Arbor,) ept '20, 1800. ƒ To the F'pcfrrs of the Conntyfof Washtenaw: Yo are hcreby notiCed Ihat a the Goueral Election to bc hel'l on the Xuesday next succecimg the first of November next, in ihe üt:iteof Micbigau, the followinj ofBcers ure to be eiectv.l, viz: ; ix Klectorsol" President and Vicf President of the United S:acs, a Governcr, Lieu'ennt Oövernor, Auditor General, SeorQtary of-tme, Siate Troasurer, Cummii-sioner of the Ptate Lan 1 Office, A'torney General, Superintendent if Public iDMruciion, a Mombtr of the State Board of E-luca.!ion in : laca of John It. Ke'.logg, whose term of oirice wilt expire He-e berSlst, 1S60, anda Ropresentative in Congress for the Ist Cocgressioual Uiairict, to which your County is attaché 1. Also. a Senator for the 7th ."-'e latorial Ds tri et, consisting ofthe City of Ann Arbir, tho towahip-s of Superior1 Salom, Ann Arbor, Scio, Xortblield, Webster, Lima, Dexter, avivan, and Lyndon in the Couuty of Washtenaw. Also. a Sennor the 8ïh Senatorial Dis'.rict. oonuïsting ofthe City of Vpsilanti, th Townships of Ypsllanti Augusta Pitts.'ield, York.Idi, Saline, Freedom, Bridgewater, bharon, ar.d Manchester íd the Couaty of WashWnw. Also, a Reprcsentative for cach ofthe foor Representative Distiictsin thef'ounty of Washtenaw, asfollows: lst Ditrct- Salcm.Superior, Ypsilanti City, Fittsfield a.nd Yj e ftatl Town 2d Vistrict- Arm ArborCity, Ann Arbor Town, Northleld and Webster3d jDí-tící- Augusta, York, Saline, IodijUridgwater and Hitnahea er. 4th Pirtric' - Freodnij Sh-iron, Sylvan, Lima, Sclo, Dex'or, and I. i Also that the following Cour.iy officers for the Countr of Wasbíenaw aro to bo elccted at the time, to wit: One Judge of Probate, one Sheriff', otie ('ounty Clerk, odq County 'ireasiirer, one Hcgisler of JJeeds, One i'rosecuting Attorney, "ne Circuit Court CoiumissioDur, two Corocera, and oneCountjr Surveyor. Ynu are also hereby notified that at said General Election aa aniendmotit to the Constituiion concerning BankinCorpurations, providcd. for by JuintRtwolutioa No. 11, approve l Teb Ulbvl863, Also. an araendment t octioo T'.vo. Artirle Eightoen, of tb e CoaitltaUoa, rtative to the aclioaof Convoission ers rit Highways, prpvided for by Joiui Kesolutica Nü. 14 approve'l Kebrtmy 12, 1 5 '; Ahr, an aniendment to 'he Coastitution in renpect to the CFstonsof the Leti'l-iUire. provided for by by Joint Resolut on N . 1 í5 approied Febru;iry 4, 185CJ; Will bo submiiicrl t tho electo s of th'S State fur thcir ttdoptiou or rejection, in pursuanco of tho require raentsof ihe Conatltutitnand ofsnirt r&s"lutions respect ivolj-. T V. LEONARX), tfhenff. Mortgage Sale. TjEFAULT haTing betn raide in the oonülion of % I-1 UprtffMge xecuted hy BoUar Christnerand Catharine Chnstner to r,;:ther J nce.i, dated Ju'y twnly-iixtb, i, D 1658, aud ivrorded in the Rister (Jtfice in Washtonnw 'ouüt7, In U oer 24 of Mortgagoa, at pageE63, Ju)y x'sth. A. i'. ":85S,at half past seven o'oloek, A. M., by which default the of sale contained ia aid CQortgage became cperativ', andno soit or proceed ng haring been instituted at la to recover the debt seouredby said mortgnge, or any part thereof t and the sum f Two Hundredanl Kiht Dollara being now cïaimel to jeduethore n N'otice is therpiore hereby givea that he aid tuorigage wül be foreelosed ïya tale ofthe mort;agod presus, vix: Comrnencingiif the south-west corner of lot Xo. twpni.v four in b!ck Ko. sis iu the village of Chelsr-a, Counly of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, and running thpnco north twenty rtegrecu est eighteen ods. theoce north .-OTenty degree ea.t four rods, thence south twenty degrees cast eightoa rods, thencca'-iith .evpnly degreea west four rods, or soma part thweof nt ( ubü'c ven.'lue at the Conrt Houe a the city of Aau Arbor on the löth day of Deceoibar next at nooaLL'TüE;; JAME?. Morïg.-.gee. E. W. Morca, ÁÜr. Dated.íSepíombr "20th, A. D. Ï8G0. 786td Imporcant Natiojoal Works, Published by T. APrLETON CO. , 346 AND 343 BROADWAY NEW YORK The following werk?; are sentto Subscrilcrs in any nart of the country, (upoa roceiut of retail price.) by mail or expresa, prepaid: THENfcWAMFRIA CVCIiOPDÏA; A 'opular Dictionary of General KnowleHge. Kdited by Geo. KiPLtY and Cüarles i. DaJíI'; akled by a numerouí elect corps of writers iu all bmnchea of fciences, Art nd Literature. This work is being publishedin about 51ars;e octavo volumes. each contaiuiDg 75Otwo-column ages. Volt. L, II., IÜ., IV. V.f VI , vil., MIL, k IX. are now ready.each contftining oear S.öÜOoriginal arti les. An a-iditional volumO will be publhed oncO ia aloji tbree mutbs. Piice, in Clot-i, LÜ Sheep, S3.5Ü; Half Russia, $4.60 ach. The Npw American Cyclopredla is popular without bedr üuperfieial, learned without beiug pedantic, compreleusivi but&uGkiently detaUed, free trom ptr-ional jique nd part prejudice, freab nnd yet accurate. It is % omplcte stati-mtüt of aü tlial is Lnown v. on every imortaot topic wiihin the scope of hum;in inlelligenca. - Ivpry important ariielo in it has been sptcuuy wctttea or iu pacsby mbn whoarenutboiiüts upon tbetopio n whicü they ppcak ïliey are requircd to bnng the ubject up to the present moment; to state just hovr ii tan ds now. AU the statisticaliaiorraaüon is from the aiett reporta; the geographic&l accounts ko-p j:ace wiilj ho latest êxploratibas; bistorical matters includo ttie re&hestiuat views; the blographical noUces sdb ak not nly of thedead butaïsoof tUo living, lt is a libr&ry of itaeir A R1DGBMEVT OF THE DEBATES OW :UGUESS U c in í; :: J 'tlitical HU ory of the United tates, frora the m-ganization of the firt Federal Conressin 17bU to 1856. Mtteducd;led bv Hon. Tho. Hart Beatón, from ihe Official Records of Congres. lhe worlt will be ooi&pïeted In 15 roysl ootavo volumes f 750 pages each, U of whicli aro now reedy. Ad adItiona] volume will be publisbed onc in tlireemontbs. Cloth,9S8: Law tLeep, $0.50 HaU" Mor., $í Half Cal f. $4.50 cach. A WA Y OF PROCÜRING TUE CVCLOPDIA OR DEEAT1B Furm a club of four, and remit the price of four books, nd u'vp eopies will be -iC-ut at tho reraitter's exirïisefor carriage; or for tc-n ubscribers, eleven copies will b ent at our expenso fur oarriage. To Agent. No other work will so libera] reward tlie exerttm f viente. A Agent watB) jx tjïis County Ttïm mndt knoffa on appUeatioa to the Publishors. Aon Arbir. M-u-cb. 1843. C,902amt SP Bev Tuos. WBiuar, aoat at Einne S Mn:thi ookátore, Tpsiiantl. HjMlE PEOJÜA MARINE & F1RE JL INSURAK CE OOMPAN Y. OF PEORÍA, ILLINOIS. Capital, - . SSOO.OOQ do of io HEAVTEST, SJFEST and EEST InsarW Co's. io tho U. S. Iasnre ou r&asonablc ter iz, .