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- No ice has yet beeu hivested íind two winter months goue. - A füie rain Wedue.sday evening and bright and beautiful sunslüno yesterday. " Hail balmy Spring." - Williaui Druce has " swappod " the York flouriug milla at Saline for the farm of J. Hoyt, of louii, and Mr. Hoyt has taken possession of the mili. - JudgeLawrencetells usthathemade thorough inspection of his peach orchard on Mouday last aud. found no buds killed. Lust yoar the buds were killed in November. - Company B netted Í12(.2O from the two entertaiunients givon last week by the McKee Kankin combination troupe. ïhe playing of the compnny gave the best of satisfaction to all. - Amoug the old relies on exhibition at the Centenuial tea party was a copy of the first uuniber of the tirat paper priuted iu Ann Arbor, the Western Emigrant, Dated Nov. 13, 1829. - Get your Letter Heads, Note Heads, Cards, Circulars. etc, at the Aeous office. We have just ot in a new stock of paper aud card board. Work and prices wairauted to please. - " Cheever's Probate Practice " is the title of a uew Iaw book which is beiug rapidly run through the press, Richiuoud Baokus & Co., of Detroit, beiug the publishers. Judge Cheever, of this city, is the author. - A meeting of the Exucutive Committee of the Washtenaw Couuty Agricultural and Horticultural Society has been called for tomorrow, the 29th inst., at 10 o'clock A. M., at the Court House. " Important business." - As Waterman, the milk man, was going bis rounds ou Weduesday foienoon, a wheel gave out, the wagon upset, the milk was spilied, and the horses broke loose aud rau away. He píomptly ordered a uew stock of ' uure country milk " aud supphed bis cuatomers with but little delay. - ïue Free Press of Weeduesday says : "At the concert at Gies' Mouday eveuing, an old man nained Eokert, now a resident of Aim Arbor, was present. Tweuty years ago he was leader of a band at Leipsic, in which were the father aud two úneles oí Cari Beek, director of the Germán Military liaud. -Belle Dorsey has turued up agaiu. This hme preterriug cornplaint of bastardy agaiust Charlea W. Crafts, of Manchester, who was arrested and brought to this city on Tuesday, on a warraut issued by Justice McMahon, and comruitted to jail iu deiauit of $300. Aud that is the way our local lawyers turn the cold sUoulder to a rural brother. - Mr. Bach, treasurur of the school board, bas negotiated that live years' $5,000 8 per cent loan (to take up 111 ituinig bouds), at a premium of 2 per ceut , or $100 gross. The oilerings were large, and for f 1,500 3 per cent. was otieied. The massed bid, however, was the moát favorable and was accepted. " Amos Corey aud others" made the successful bid. - Jefï Da vis says that he was receutly visited by a committee o, the Ladies' Charitable Union, but that they found his table well supplied, with " chicken fixiu's," etc, and were assured that he was " as fat as auybody.'1 lt was auother Davis they were looking up, the " religious " one Jett' says. Jeiï took no otfense, on the conlrury bears tribute to the faitbi'ulness of the ladies. - Soruetime during Suuday night the window to Supt. Ferry's room at tlie central school buüdmg was broken, aud a bottle oí foul periuine thrown iu which drove out the class on Mouday and sceuted up the whole building for days. The worthless perpetrator of the outrage ought to be caught, convicted, and sentenaed to banishment to some out of the way place tor 90 days with an exclusive diet on justsuch stuff. Eeal Estáte Movinq.- A real estáte sale of unusual magnitude has been made iu our city the present week, J. D. Baldwin having sold his homestead and farm to Israel Hall : 21 acres adjoiniug the fairgrounds, with buildings and orchards, at $600 an acre, and 45 acres, with wheat on the ground, at $100 an acre, or $16,000 for the entire purchase. We are not advised as to whether Mr. Hall intends to persoually turn fruit-grower, nursery man, and farmer, or has made the purchase lor some oue else. The Pioneer Society.- A meeting of the Executive Uommittee of the Washtenaw County Pioneer Society was held last Fri(J,y at the office of E. Clark, Esq , of this city, and tlie ollowing delegates appoiuted to attend the anrnial meeting of the State Pioneer Society, tobe held at Lausing on Wednesday next, February 2d : Delegates- 3. D. Williams, A. K. Clark, E. D. Lay, Chas. H. Wiues, and John J. Eobison. Altérnate- J. Q. A. Sessions, Wm. M. Gregory, Josiah Newell, Samsou Parker, and J. D. Corey. Insueance Kinks.- In the United States Circuit Court at Detroit, on Monday last, the suit of James S. Reynolds, of Manchester, ' agaiuat tlie Globe Iosurance Company, terrainated in the plaiutiff submitting to a non-suit, with leave to move to set the same aside within ninety days. The insurance was effected through Chas. Holmes, Jr., an insurance broker at Ypsilanti, who took the application, with others, placed the insurance, and divided the commissioii with the regular agent at Detroit. Defendant claimed that the company or its authorized agent had Bever waived the condition ot the policy prohibiting repairs upon the property- a paper mili- and that the company was not bound by the verbal permission giveu by Holmes to proceed with such repairs, and the court held such to be the law. In fiew of this decisión wiü be well for i ties to give a wide berth to sub-agents or brokers and contract only with those agenta i who countersign their policies. A short form policy is a necessity, framed in such language i that the ordinary man may understand its provisions and restrictions. There are more toles in most policies, life as well as fire, than i" a skimmer of mammoth dimensión. We are confident that our readers, one and all will be delighted to know just what the weatlier is to be for the next month, and we Propose to lift the veil and gratify their laudable desires. Beginning with next Tuesday it tobe: "February lst to 7th, moderating but variable, with rain orsnow; 7th to llth, cold; llth to 15th, moderate, with rain or ow storms ; lóth to 19th, variable from cold to very cold ; 19th to 25th, warmer, with rain ad anow; 25th to 29th, generally fair but cold.' There 'tis. There can't be any doubt about it, w found it " written in a book," and that book the " Western Farmer's Almanac," for'y-ninth yearly edition- old euough to teil the 'ruth, even about the weather. Besides the Prognosticatious were made by Prof. Tice, of St. Louis, author of " Elements of Meterology" and " Meterological Cycles," and pub'ïsher of the American Meterologist. And that he never fails in his calculations witness how he fixed the weather for the curreut aouth : " lst to 6th, cold to very cold ; 6th to 'Hh, moderatiug, with falling weather; llth toWth, very cold; 19th to 21st, moderating with rain and snow ; 21st tb 31st, cold to very old." Now, if Prof. Tice isn't a true prophet, get Josh Billing's Almanaz and select the weatuer to Buit yourself.